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Is North Korea Actually Going To War With Us

North Korea Preparing for War with the US

North Korea Preparing for War with the US

South Korea: North Korea is likely to carry out provocations

In late-2023, the South Korean National Intelligence Service warned that North Korea was likely to carry out provocations, including nuclear and missile tests.

US: No concrete signs of North Korea preparing for combat

However, the US has not detected concrete signs that North Korea is gearing up for combat. US agencies have said that North Korea has in recent months stepped up its accusations against South Korea and its ally the US.

North Korea: US and South Korea are discussing options

The US and South Korea have accused North Korea of providing artillery shells to Russia. The US and its allies are discussing options both inside and outside the UN to respond to North Korea's provocations.

North Korea: Successful test launch of intercontinental ballistic missile

North Korea has in recent months stepped up its missile tests, including a successful test launch on July 12 of a nuclear-capable intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM).

NPR: Interview with Jenny Town of the Stimson Center

NPR's Michel Martin interviewed Jenny Town of the Stimson Center about the situation on the Korean Peninsula. Town said that North Korea is "preparing for war" and that the US and its allies need to take the threat seriously.
