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Breaking News Stinging Sea Ginger Causes Painful Burns

Breaking News: Stinging Sea Ginger Causes Painful Burns

Discovery of Dangerous Marine Species

Avoid Sea Ginger at All Costs

A dangerous marine species known as Millepora alcicornis, commonly known as sea ginger, has been discovered to cause painful burns to human skin. The color of sea ginger varies from mustard or green-yellow to dark orange and often appears furry in texture. Contact with this organism triggers a severe burning sensation. Authorities urge beachgoers and water enthusiasts to exercise caution when swimming or snorkeling in areas where sea ginger is present.

Immediate medical attention is crucial if skin contact occurs. Symptoms may include intense pain, redness, swelling, and blistering. In severe cases, burns from sea ginger can lead to scarring, tissue damage, and infection. It is essential to avoid direct contact with sea ginger and seek prompt medical attention if exposed.
